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PALMA was established in year 2021 to safeguard the interests and promote the cause of Artificial Leather Manufacturers in country. It is relatively small sector of manufacturing but it’s contribution to different sectors of economy is of immense importance.

The member companies of this association are preparing different types of artificial leather for further value addition in footwear, upholstery, automobile, fashion and furniture industry, to name few of users of this association’s manufactured item. It is providing job to a sizeable number of work force in country and also contributing a substantial amount of duties and taxes to national exchequer. It is saving a large amount of hard-earned foreign exchange by manufacturing value added raw material for above enumerated industries.

The aims and objectives of this association are in conformity and approved by SECP and as a registered trade body by Ministry of Commerce, Govt of Pakistan under TOA 2013. It has been operating as a Non-Profit Organization under its Memorandum & Articles of Association. All members of this association are corporate entities under SECP and with FBR. Association is run through annual subscription of member companies. It is solely established to protect, promote and introduce new technologies for artificial leather manufacturing sector in Pakistan. In view of above it is a genuine case for grant of exemption of income tax on its subscription by its members.





It gives me great pleasure to address the honourable members of PALMA, who responded to the call of forming as separate Trade Association to protect, promote and enhance further the interests of this not very large but an important sector of economy.

The use and application of artificial & synthetic leather is on ever increasing in view of its economy, durability and variety. The manufacturers of this sector of economy are facing duel challenge of domestic taxation and free imports of this commodity from worldwide sectors. The raw-materials of this commodity are also imported & these materials are subject to number of duties and taxes at import stage, coupled with the local cost of energy and the other factors of production. Therefore, the formation of this association under the visionary leadership of Mian Anjum Nisar was found necessary the leading players of this sector got and formed PALMA. Now it is a reality and it has a working secretariat, which is working ahead.

We hope to strengthen our selves by collaborating on the challenges of taxation, regulation and marketing of our products to gain a competitive edge. We are focusing a real and uphill challenge from the importers of this commodity through unfair practices. If we stood together and faced the challenges with resolutions insha’Allah, success will be our fate. I once again would thank and request to our members to contribute to support the Association Management.

With Best Wishes

Zulfiqar Monnoo

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Features & benefits

Faster Process

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Integer orci sapien, scelerisque ut gravida sed, convallis et quam. Etiam cursus metus ac justo viverra mollis. Proin mattis id felis ac ornare. Nunc placerat varius lectus, in consectetur nunc suscipit nec.
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Better Process

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec consectetur luctus enim mattis fringilla. In pulvinar quam diam,neque bibendum.

The detail

Integer orci sapien, scelerisque ut gravida sed, convallis et quam. Etiam cursus metus ac justo viverra mollis. Proin mattis id felis ac ornare. Nunc placerat varius lectus, in consectetur nunc suscipit nec.
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Stronger Process

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec consectetur luctus enim mattis fringilla. In pulvinar quam diam,neque bibendum.

The detail

Integer orci sapien, scelerisque ut gravida sed, convallis et quam. Etiam cursus metus ac justo viverra mollis. Proin mattis id felis ac ornare. Nunc placerat varius lectus, in consectetur nunc suscipit nec.
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PALMA objectives are as follows;

To act as provider of all Governmental approvals for the artificial leather manufacturing industry.

To provide industry much needed assistance for efficient utilization of resources of production & removal of obstacles in realizing true potential of industry.

To undertake and carry out research activities to bring innovation and modernization in this industry.

To provide an effective platform to promote understanding between different tiers of government and stake holders of industry, collectively…!


  1. Coordinate with the Government authorities to resolve issues of the industry as a whole.
  2. Enhance the Association membership level across the country.
  3. Increase the frequency of participation in Trade Fairs all over the world.
  4. Improve relations with the Government Sector in order to improve benefits to PALMA members.
  5. Efforts to develop Academia – Industry linkage to inject new talent in the market.
  6. Create an R&D Cell and encourage knowledge sharing among its members.
  7. Conduct training need Assessment & surveys of the entire industry.
  8. Liaison with the Government authorities for making favourable policies to enhance exports targets and discourages the imports to support the local manufacturers.
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